08 June 2013

Saturday soberness

Last night me, the girls and the boys met up at Morgans for Sean's birthday. I didn't originally want to go, as I spent the whole day at home, drinking milkshakes and watching Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. After that I realized how boring it is to actually have nothing to do all day, so I phoned Josie, who was already getting ready and washed, threw on some clothes and left around 10pm. We went to the Full Moon, again! Yeah, dancing to dub step is getting old I seriously wish we went somewhere that played a different variety of music, maybe like Buffalo or Undertone. But yeah it was fun, but I got tired and left around 2. Me and Ewan stayed up till around 3.30 in the morning chatting and then finally went to bed.
I lost my passport aw gawd, yeah I think I left it in Argos, or just lost it, so I'll go down there in a bit. Seriously hope it's there! It would ruin so so much if  did actually lose it.
Today woke up at Ewans again, had coffee and together we went down to Cex to get a video game. Ewan wanted to talk to Theo form British Red Cross, so we went in there and had a little chat him and Barbara, who are now married and living together in a flat. I wanted to buy ice cream with my last pound of money that I had left. On our way back to his when crossing the bridge I wanted to see how a river would look upside down, because we've been talking about how cool the sea looks when you're lying upside down on a beach, in the sand and just pretending that the sky has waves and the land is blue with the odd white puff in it. So I lent over backwards and... It's not as cool as the sea, but I didn't really get a chance  to have a proper look because Ewan ruined it with his lets go triphead. But to be honest from past experience everything looks so much better upside down, I love just lying with my head handing out of my bed and pretending the ceiling is the floor.
Haha, so anyway..... We went back to his, where I am now, just chilling with Jay and Ewan, we might go to the park and walk Scruffy in a bit, so sunny outside woo!

I'll try and post some photos later- I'm thinking of challenging myself to do like a photo every day, and posting it on here every day. Sort of like a summer challenge. Could be quite interesting yeah?

Just a painting by Max Ernst I really like. Its so strangely wonderful.

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