17 December 2012

Sunday morning wake up call

Good evening
Today was a little bit of a waste, I woke up and didn't do much till about 3. Was meant to do all my homework as it's the only day I actually have free dues to college and work but I ended up just taking Peter to McDonalds and then going to Blockbuster afterwards. I'm pretty much working 24 hours a week plus college, which basically means that on Wednesdays, Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays I don't get home till 12am at night. I hope they don't give me manic hours this Christmas because I have so much work to do its crazy depressing, no social life for me at all! I'm pretty much doing my Christmas Shopping on the 24th because that when I get paid and I'm praying that I'm not booked in for that day because when the hell am i doing my xmas shopping then!
I need to hand in my Personal Investigation as well on top of everything else, and I didn't even know about it till last week, because I haven't been to my tutor in months. Trouble trouble. 
Tomorrow I'm going in early to do media and then I'm meeting Ewan for a coffee before my photography lesson. I am literally staying behind till 9 or whenever the room closes because I'm just going to do lots of art research in my book and editing for Photography. I need to get as much done as possible before half term (which I CAAAANT WAIT FOR!) so that the practical stuff is out of the way and I only have essays to do. But I don't think it's likely with me having so many shifts... 
Okay, well I'll just post some photos form what is called 'lately' so that this isn't just about me complaining about woooork and schoool. 

 The new poster I got from Tate, on my wall.

These are all just webcam photos from today, me and Peter being silly. And yes I know I look like a child without makeup:] 

I bought this postcard for Ewan, even though I'm pretty sure he won't appropriate it as much as I do haha.

And this is a lovely quote.
  All Sneaky snapshots form Tate above (except the postcard).


On Friday (oh forgot to mention, we went out after work to Bogiez and Fuel till 2 am which wasn't a great idea because I had to work all next day hungover... )

 This was Today actually, maccy d's, got free balloons!

 This weird surrealist collage I'm doing for Photography. This is just a crappy version which isn't set up and this is taken with my phone.

Just random snaps

Halloween again

London form when I went to Batoul's in October.


  1. Replies
    1. is this what you were doing in lesson?:L SAWWRYY! I had an accidental lay in x x x
