14 November 2014

Lots of Photographs and then some Paragraphs

I have so many photos and things to show and talk about but I never have time to come on here and do a blog post. Right now probably isn't the right time either since I have an essay due in on Monday. But I've written half of it. Last night and this morning. This morning I woke up at 8am, it was raining outside and my bed is right next to the window. I spent about half an hour listening to the rain and looking out onto the gray windy day. I absolutely love this time of the year. It's getting cold too. I pulled myself out of the bed, had a long hot shower and made myself pancakes for breakfast because on Friday's I like to treat myself. And then got started on the essay. Around the afternoon I left the house to go to Camberwell College of Arts, where I've never been (but it's actually closer to my house) to get myself some Feminist books for the rest of the essay. It's been a beautiful day, the sky set with great organgy-red glow.  I made myself lunch (tuna salad, I've been being healthy recently) and now after I finish this post I can crack on my essay.
Tomorrow I have a long day at work. Don't know if I've mentioned it but I work in this little American diner place in Soho, Saturdays are always my working days. I'm in work 10am-12am which inst too bad because I have two hours break in between.

Talking about last weekend when Ewan came down, we managed to check in to the hotel. We had a really good time, even though didn't even manage to go for a drink anywhere because the whole area was shut by 12am. But so I made him dress up as a girl and took photos of him. They're really not that good but I'll post them on here. They make even me feel a bit odd. Anyway. On Monday morning we woke up quite late which made me miss uni, but we had a trip down to the British Museum which was really interesting, we just didn't have that much time (It's really really huge!)
On Tuesday I learned how to print a contact sheet in the dark room which was really fun, but only black and white, still haven't taught us how to do the colour sadly. But all in all the whole black and white film process is really long, getting the film out, putting it through different chemicals, then drying it, then making contact sheets and printing would all in all probably take me a whole day!

Anyway on Tuesday an awful thing happened. Me, Robyn and Steff all went for a drink and Rob left so because Steff was being lovely that day I stayed with her. Shouldn't have. She turned into a dicked and accused me losing phone and other shit. (she's found it now, it wasn't me). I left her in the pub and went home but first bought cigarettes. I got home and she literally attacked me about all kinds of shit, telling me she's going to punch me and kick me out of our house and that I should thank her for having a place to live in. I told her to try and hit me and to stick it up her little arse. She flipped and threw the washing rail on the floor. I haven't seen her since, she's been hiding form everybody in her room this whole week, because she's probably ashamed. But nevertheless she hasn't even apologized. I feel uncomfortable being in the kitchen in case she comes down. I'd like to move out with Robyn and Sophie but my room looks so nice now and I'll never find anywhere for such good price in London. 

On Wednesday my parents came down to London, we had the loveliest time! My dad helped me paint my walls and fixed my bed. I have a proper bed now woo! And it's so much more comfortable, you dont understand I feel like I'm in heaven when I go to bed!

The photo's I'll upload are from beginning of October when me, a guy from my course Patryk and his boyfriend went to a Fire Spinning event in Waterloo. I didn't spin fire because I didn't know anyone there and was too shy to ask for fire poi.  And also from Halloween in Cardiff :)

These are some of the pictures from my long long Halloween weekend. It all started on Wednesday night when we went to Madame Jojo's to take photos. I was up until 9am with Steff nad Connor.

In Steff's room.

Got a little tattoo done! With a needle and some ink :)

This is now Thursday night. I went to Ewan's biggest gig yet, it was ace!

A good friend of mine, Daniel who's left us to go to Australia for a year!

Ewan's brother Doug who's in the bad as well and his girlfriend.

 I accidentally bumped into Josephine and Rose, and we had a little laugh next door to Fuel, in ze Moon.

Here are photo's that I took last Sunday when Ewan came to visit me.  

And here's my sexy boyfriend. 

Hope you've enjoyed this post. I have yet more photos to post but I didn't want to over load this post with photographs.
Till later,
Cheery x

1 comment:

  1. I love all these photos Aggie!!! They're amazing! The things Ewan will do for you! You're lucky haha!

