17 April 2012


Haven't been doing a lot of interesting things, mostly revising, writing, painting and sticking in my photography book. Last Thursday  I went to Ethan Dodd's gathering, (and he lives in Valleys, by the sheep) along with Josie and other people. The night was good, we just basically got monstrous amounts of alcohol- got drunk and danced around his kitchen, occasionally taking breaks in Ethans garden, under the stars on his trampoline to smoke, and there might have been some throwing up but only because cheap alcohol and spinning chairs were involved. Josephine is no more a single lady- her and Ethan finally got their stuff sorted haha, they are so cute and lovely together >< Later on me and Josephine slept in his dad's office, on the floor and we almost froze to death. I also had an emotional moment with Lewis and Aron on the trampoline- we kind of shared heartbreaking stories and listened to sad sad music filled with painful memories. But that will stay within the walls of the trampoline because I've promised them. And I like to keep my promises. Hmm. And then on Friday I had an art day with Cat and Cameron- it was great! They are both talented and so so nice, aw.  And on Saturday I had a revision day in library with Ash, Jos and Rhi. 
Tomorrow I'm finally starting my shoots for photography room project! I'm supposed to have done at least three more shoots by the end of this week (as like, half term home work) and I haven't even begun yet. At 2.30 I'm meeting Ethan and Jo by the rec and I'm shooting environmental portraits of him in his room, and then at 5 is Charlies thingy. 
On Wednesday is my St Davids College interview haha- i'm changing my subjects and schools, even though I do enjoy my subjects and I DO love my current college a lot, i feel like i could do much better academically in st Davids.
So that's it. This week's busy busy as I am constantly revising, finishing workbooks, and doing photo shoot's.

Bye sweeties :) 
I have some photos on my phone of past month or so but I've kind of lost my USB wire. When I find it, I'll post them.

haha, oh god, i just made this collage of me about a year ago, till now . I don't know... Only thing I really noticed is that my hair changes all the time but apart from that i don't see much change :L and my crazy weird, moody, sad and happy facial expressions. 
Begin 2011 bottom right corner and go to the right in rows. The top left one is me today :L

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