11 February 2012

Baby you're my junk

Whoa, yes I know I haven't proper posted in a while now so here you go, I'll tell you everything I can remember.
Let's start form last Monday. I realized I'm very very much behind in art and that I have no idea what to do for my final project. I chose the wrong path, going into cutting and printing, I'm not the best at it, and also you can't be very creative with it. No, I mean you CAN generally be creative with it (because it's art!!!) but my teacher told me to do this shitloads of work during the half term, but how can I do it when I need a pressing machine, or whatever its called. That Monday was my photography, unit 1 deadline. I'll post four of my seven final layouts on here, because the other three  are on my school account.
Tuesday, I think had already said, was big pit, blah blah.
Wednesday, school was really boring I don't even think it's worth mentioning. Oh wait no, I went to the cinema with Josie and we watched  Chronicles, movie about a superhero haha it was amazing.
On Thursday when we had to give in our final prints so I quickly ran to jessops and bought some A3 photo paper and then printed out my final photographs. Yes and that was it, I got homework in photograph, but it's nothing, just light drawing, which sounds fun.
Yesterday, was Friday, and I went to school and that went really fast I don't even know why, I was walking back home and thinking shit this day went super quick. I had a little phone fight with Josie, we got annoyed with each other, but awh it was nothing. Anyhow I was home at four, had some coffee, usual shit. Then at about 7pm, I left my house and went to City Road to meet Rhi by the pub because we were going to Caitlin's house. Caitlin has an exchange student from France so we all got to meet her, plus some other four French people. Anyhow they weren't drinking so me and Rhi had some alcohol before going to Caits house.
Caitlin prepared a meal for us so all ate and then listened to music. Oh god. I was trying to poke one of the french guys ass. No frigin way. I just remembered this. Aw gad. and I actually said it out loud, lol xD He was like 'you like my ass' and :D haha, and I was like 'no, i just want to poke it' and that's how it ended. Plus in all honesty his ass wasn't very nice -_-
After that we had couple of puffs of weed and we were all happy, thank god I didn't have a panic attack this time. I wasn't THAT high either, because I only had 2 or 3 puffs. Josie and me just laughed all the time. Later on me and Arman fell asleep on the bus. Well I know I did, and then he woke me up when we had to get off. When I got home I just didn't leave the kitchen, omfg I had so much food, and then I almost threw up. I went to bed at 2am with a massive stomach ache. I'm not going into the kitchen next time I get high lol.
Today, is Saturday. I am going to be a nerd and go to town library to finish ALL my coursework so I can enjoy myself when I go to London on Wednesday to stay over Batoul's house till Friday.
Its soo sunny today I need to get our of pajamas.  I have lots of photos to post :)

Media coursework: magazines

Pictures that I took whilst lying in my bed

Photos from yesterday :)

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