28 August 2011

28.august 2011

Okay, so I haven't posted anything in quite a while. I have been so unbelievably lazy! Like today, I woke up turned on my laptop (still in bed) went downstairs mad coffee, went upstairs, brushed my teeth went back to bed and watched the firt season of 'The Big Bang Theory'. I then went downstairs made breakfast (around 3pm xD)  andd another coffee. Then went upstairs and turned on the first season of 'Gossip Girl'  and was just making my bracelets. Tralaa. I listened to some music and then because my mum asked me to come dowstairs to hang out with them (the family) and now I'm here writing this. 
Um, I have a load of photos from Latvia to post here, which I'll do tomorrow because I have them on my laptop, this is my mums laptop which i'm on now.
Latvia was really nice by the way if you were wondering, I'm just not up for writing about each day, it's going to take too long. 
Ugh, I'm so ashamed of myself. I  should be taking more photos and I just realised I don't take as many photoas as I used to. ummm.  bad. and i have stopped writing stories and poetry and  shit. But, haha I HAVE started writing a journal called, um i forgot. But I write poetry in it and I draw in it and I write these little random thoughts and feelings. 

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